Monthly Archive: January 2012

Five Senses: The Muse of Puzhen’s Aroma Diffusers

The human body’s five senses: touch, auditory, vision, perception, and olfaction, has inspired the “Five Sense Experience” starting in the 1990s, which created new architectural aesthetics of space. The five senses have inspired many designs allowing the public to experience the display in an entirely different perspective of shape, color, lighting, layout, materials, and texture, …

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Five-Sense Aromatherapy – Relaxation Techniques

Puzhen Life’s health and wellbeing products evoke all five senses of the human body to create a higher quality living environment and a balanced life. Through body massage, the motion of blood circulation can be accelerated, the skin’s metabolism can be strengthened, regulating the balance of the skin and blood, promoting lymph drainage and fatigue …

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Ancient Aromatherapy: Flowers

Some may believe that aromatherapy has become popular recently in the 20th century, but this is not the case. Ancient aromatherapy, has gradually been forgotten. Aromatherapy history goes far back over thousands and thousands of years ago as humans found plant oils to have healing powers for the human body. In the 20th century, “all …

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